The sermon on Sunday was about how when you are generous, you will be rewarded tenfold. Other thoughts that follow along those lines are: when you give, you recieve; when you forgive, you will be forgiven; you need to show mercy, to get mercy. (BTW, sorry for using semicolons and what not incorrectly. I have only taught 4th grade and below and I totally forgot highschool English/Grammar).
Anywho....listening to these principles in church and knowing in your heart you have some work to do, are easy. It is stepping out those doors and walking the walk. I have some things in my life I need to repair. Relationships, habits, etc. I can sit there and logically know that a verse is speaking to me. I need to forgive, so I can be forgiven. I need to do this, because when I do it has an impact on me. It impacts my thoughts, my actions, my faith, others around me, and my future. It is so hard though to take that first step. Especially when the last time you took blew up in your face. It didn't work. You got hurt, again. What I notice in those last few sentences is the word I, over and over. I keep focusing on how I am hurt, how I feel and I am not putting God and his commandments first. I am not putting his people first.
I read a blog a few days ago that talked about priorities. Do we have them in check? How do we know what our true priorities are? We may say what they are, we may even write them down and tell the world what our priorites are. But, then our ACTIONS show what our real priorites are. Did we break a promise to a friend, did we choose what we wanted first over what was best for our spouse. Did we give up too easy. Did we make excuses. The old saying goes "do as I say, not as I do." What a messed up message we send sometimes. We tell our children one thing, then we do another. We tell our spouse one thing, then we do another. We tell our friends one thing, then we do another. We tell our God one thing, then we do another. I want my prayers of my priorites to be my ACTUAL priorities, my actions.
Our God tells us something and he follows through. He is faithful.
My goal today is to take little steps. To fake it, till I can make it. I want to have my actions match my words in all I do. I want to live above reproach. I want to live my faith and be a woman with unquestionable character. I know I am a sinner. I know I am not perfect and I know Iwill mess up. But, if I am showing what my heart feels, making my prayers my actions, then when I do mess up....I know I will be forgiven. I know people will know the real me. I know my God knows my heart and He is who what matters. It is his approval and his forgivness I seek.
Do you have a heartache and hangup you need to work on? Give and you shall recive. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened.
Love and Blessings,
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