Transition from bike to run.
Start of the run with Marie and Mel.
Finish line!
Part of my cheer squad.
Well....I did it. I finished the tye dye tri. It was one of the best feelings in the world to cross that finish line. I am embarassed at how I look, but so proud that I did something like this. I did better than I thought I would, so not only did I finish, but I beat my personal goal by 20 minutes. Ok so, I really had no idea how to gauge how I would do. I looked at times from people that competed last year, I got some advice, and I timed myself practicing a couple times. Oh well...Still happy!!
I want to thank Marie and her sister. I saw them at our 2nd transition (starting the run) and at that point I had done the whole race and not seen one person I knew. The others I knew or had trained with were in different parts of the race. In this Tri we all start at differnt times for the swim so being on my own, I had been in my 'head' too much. When I saw Marie and Mel, I kinda invited myself to run with them and they TRULY got me thru that run. I appreciate them so much. What awesome sisters! They trained together, stuck together and did the whole race together. I was so proud of them. They kept checking on ,and going at a pace that was best for the other person. I was so thankful they let me crash in their world for a few minutes.
My family was awesome! They were watching the swim and cheering me on! I saw them at every transition, I saw Bart like 3 different times, and Berkley too! At the very end my mom (she is so awesome) was there cheering me on the last 100 meters and there at the finish line was my main squeeze. My face was ear to ear smiles and so was his. It was such a great feeling.
Thank you to CF405 for getting my lungs and muscles in shape for this. Thanks to Downtown Brett Brewer for all the Tri advice. Thanks to everyone who trained with me. I can't wait to do it again! It was so fun.
So proud of:
And...the guy a few people behind me(#189) in the swim that pushed me in the bike and help me cut my time down!
Yall ROCKED it!
Love and Blessings,
Random cute pic of Berkley. This is at her friend Milan's 1st Birthday. Berkley is 7mo and 2 weeks old!