
My photo
Edmond, OK
Blessed wife of an amazing husband and mother to Berkley, Bryn and Blake! God is good.


Grateful for the little things...

I have a hard time keepin the big pitcure in mind. I struggle with letting the little thigns overwhelm me or take my focus away. I am grateful for the little things, but sometimes if my mind is taken elsewhere I lose sight of little joys the Lord is offering up.

Like today...I have had this project in mind for a friends shower. I can't show you exactly yet, cause I don't want her to see, but I have been excited it would be a fun touch. I asked around and felt like I just wasn't quite getting in the direction I needed to make it happen. My sweet dad of course was like he always is, and said he would figure it out.

Today, out of the blue I got a lead, a friend jumped in and BAM, project is going to happen. Then, bam...another friend with more of what I need and holy cow I am walking around school in the BEST mood. I am showing other teachers the project and students and forgetting to actually teach math. oops. Anway, it was that little thing today, a reminder from God, that even the little thigns that matter to me, matter to Him. He loves me. He is joyful with me. :)

Some things that have helped me lately:
- From the book or APP Jeusus Calling: Feb.19 & May 1
- This post from Jon Acuff: